Murzal & Partners


Izin Tinggal Perairan (Dahsuskim)

The definition of Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM) is Limited Stay Permit for Foreigners who working in Indonesian territorial waters, hereinafter referred to as Vessel Limited Stay Permit, is a Limited Stay Permit granted to the captain, crew, or foreign experts working on ships or floating equipment, installations operating in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian waters and Indonesian jurisdictions following the provisions of laws and regulations.

Legal Basis of Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM):

  • Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration;
  • Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 27 of 2014 regarding Technical Procedure for the Granting, Extension, Rejection, Cancellation and Expiration of Visit Stay Permit, Limited Stay Permit and Permanent Stay Permit as well as Exemptions From The Requirement of A Stay Visit as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 21 of 2018 regarding Amendment To Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 27 of 2014 regarding Technical Procedure for the Granting, Extension, Rejection, Cancellation and Expiration of Visit Stay Permit, Limited Stay Permit and Permanent Stay Permit as well as Exemptions From The Requirement of A Stay Visit (Regulation MLHR No. 21/2018);
  • Regulation of Minister of Manpower No. 8 Regarding the Implementing Regulation of Government Regulation 34 of 2021 on the Employment of Foreign Workers.


Who the foreigners can get Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM):

Based on Article 41 paragraph (1) Law No. 27/2018 stated that:

  1. Skipper/Ship Captain;
  2. Ship Crew;
  3. Experts who are working on the Ship; or
  4. Foreigners who are working on the Ship


Purposes of Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM):

Referring to Article 43 paragraph (2) Law No. 27/2018 stated that the purposes of the ITAS Dahsuskim are as follow:

  1. Supervise the quality of goods or production;
  2. To do inspection or audit;
  3. To do after-sales service;
  4. Installing and repairing machines; or
  5. Perform non-permanent work in the context of construction; or
  6. Carry out emergency and urgent work in the territorial waters and jurisdiction of Indonesia.


The process to get Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM), in the above regulation, they mentioned the detail, please see below:


Recommendation of Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM). The recommendation will be obtained from the Directorate General Immigration.



Enter Indonesia. The ship members enter Indonesia, whether from the sea (Seaport) or Land (Airport).



Pra-Immigration Checkpoint. The Members are required to do the Pra-Immigration Checkpoint at the airport or seaport.



Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM). Once the Pra-Immigration Checkpoint process is completed, the members are required to process the ITAS Dahsuskim at the Local Immigration where the ship docks.



RPTKA (Expatriate Manpower Utilization Plan). The Members are required to obtain the RPTKA from the Ministry of Manpower.



Notifikasi/IMTA (Work Permit). Once the RPTKA process is completed. the members are required to process the Work Permit to the Ministry of Manpower.



STM (Police Report). The members are required to process and report their status in Indonesia to Indonesian Police Head



SKTT (Residence/Domicile Permit). The last, process the Residence/Domicile Permit to Registration Office.


In other words, document Requirements for Izin Tinggal Perairan (ITAS DAHSUSKIM), are as follow:

  • Sponsorship from the shipping company;
  • Letter of agency for ship, floating equipment, or installation;
  • The list of foreign crew members or a list of foreign experts issued by government agencies;
  • The Passport or Travel Document is still valid.
  • Letter of recommendation from the relevant agency by its authority; and
  • Power of attorney (POA).

In addition, there may be additional required documents, please contact us for more details.


However, the visa has a limited period, the term of Izin Tinggal Perairant, based on Article 44 paragraph (1) stated that the validity of the visa is for:

  • 12 months (1 year); or
  • 6 months.

In addition, the visa is renewable.


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For more information and need assistance, please contact:

Jufrian Murzal, Partner

+62 8119122884



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