Murzal & Partners

To All Indonesia’s Companies Who Hired a Foreign Worker.

Laporan tenaga Kerja Asing

Based on Article 33, Regulation of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2018 On Foreign Workers Utilization Procedure, said that “The employer of foreign workers are required to report the implementation of foreign workers utilization every 1 (one) year to the Ministry of Manpower.

The annual report must include the following points:

  1. The implementation of foreign Workers utilization who hold Indonesia’s work permit;
  2. The list of the Indonesian’s counterparts who have been appointed to accompany the foreign workers and the list of the educational, training courses and certificates have been provided by the foreign workers to Indonesian’s counterpart while doing the assignment in Indonesia. The purpose is to give evidence on the transfer of knowledge from the foreign workers to the Indonesian workers; and
  3. The list of the foreign workers who cancelled their work permits at the company during the previous year.

The annual report should be submitted on before date, 10th January every year. The annual report will be submitted manually to the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Office, Jakarta.

In case, the employer is not submitting the annual report of the foreign worker, the employer will face administrative sanctions. The administrative sections were stated in Article 39, said that the Administrative sanctions consist of:

  • Service postponement;
  • Temporary suspension of foreign workers licensing process;
  • Revocation of Notification (Work Permit); and/or
  • Other sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

The employers need to ensure that they have proper records on file regarding their current foreign worker listed holding work permits from the Ministry of Manpower, the counterpart training programs and who has cancelled the work permits already.

In Regard to this regulation, the employers are required to submit the annual report of foreign workers before January, 10th as a deadline to avoid any potential issues in the future.


For more information and need assistance, please contact:

Jufrian Murzal, Partner

+62 8119122884



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